
Here we'll look at some of the reports that are available in OpenEMR.

Most of the reports that are not patient-specific are accessed by clicking "Reports" at the top of your screen after logging in.

Let's try the Superbill Report:

This one pops up a window to enter a date range.

This produces a report for each encounter in the date range, and shows patient demographics and insurance information...

... and the billing codes and amounts.

The Appointments Report gives you a list of appointments for a given provider, or for all providers, and a specified date range. It can be sorted by clicking on any of the four column headings.

The Appointments and Encounters report is very handy. It gives you a cross-reference of appointments with their corresponding encounters. This allows you to easily spot many types of errors, such as appointments with missing encounters, encounters with missing appointments, missing charges, and authorizations or justifications that are required but not done.

The Insurance Distribution report shows you how many patients seen over a give time period use each kind of insurance.

The Indigent Patients report lists patients that were seen without insurance. We don't have any here.

There are some crude custom reports that can be created from the Database Reporting section of Administration. We'll probably do away with these before too long and replace them with something more polished.

There is currently one report that you access by clicking "[Reports]" from the Billing page:

This is the Cash Receipts report. It breaks down gross income by provider for a given time period. Very useful if you base payroll on this.

You can also elect to see a detailed breakdown of cash receipts, itemizing each procedure for which a charge was made.

When you have a patient open, there is also a "Report" option that you can click on for patient reports:

You can elect to include or omit a wide variety of patient information.

Here is the report selected above...

... and the second half of the same report.

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